Respect (Psalm 141 & 142)

“Let not the oil of the unrighteous anoint my head” (Ps. 141:5b)

Hmmm… That verse hit home today. How much do I desire to have recognition from others? To be respected? To have others appreciate the work I do?! I am much better at not caring generally what others think of me, in terms of my personality. I have come finally in middle-age to realise this is who I am and there is little I can do to change that! But I still hope for respect from others.

Some of this is because I try and respect other people, even when I disagree with them. I think especially in a polarized world, as someone who believes that we are ALL made in the image of G-d, I had better show respect to others. That doesn’t mean always agreeing with them, or aquiescing to their point of view. But it does mean always treating them as worth something in G-d’s eyes. (That is my Quaker heritage – everyone has an inner light. You need to look for it and respond to it. But Quakers are also pretty proactive at working for change and fighting injustice!)

So I want for others to respect me. But if that becomes a primary motivation for what I do, then I have forgotten what is at the core, I have gotten caught “in the snare which they have laid for me.” My worth does not come from others. My worth comes from G-d. May I remember that this day as I go about my work.

And just for fun – cos I need something upbeat as I get back to the emails…

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